
CSI Green Parish Award 2015

CSI Green parish Award guidelines Documents/ photographs/Accounts etc. to prove the above points may be produced before the expert committee. Expert committee may visit the parishes after studying the report. Last Date June 2015. Email Report to csi.oikos

CSI Green Home Award 2017

CSI Green home Award guidelines Documents/ photographs/Accounts etc. to prove the above points may be produced before the expert committee. Expert committee may visit the parishes after studying the report.

CSI Green Diocesan Award 2015

CSI Green Diocesan Award guidelines Documents/ photographs/Accounts etc. to prove the above points may be produced before the expert committee. Expert committee may visit the parishes after studying the report. Last Date June 2015. Email the report basing on this to

CSI Green Institution Award 2015

CSI Green Institution Award guidelines Documents/ photographs/Accounts etc. to prove the above points may be produced before the expert committee. Expert committee may visit the parishes after studying the report. A self study report basing on this has to be submitted to the Director, Department of Ecological Concerns of Synod before 30th June 2015.