Eco Bible Study
Eco Bible Study was conducted. The camp was organized with the co-operation of Joint Ecological Commission and teh Nilackal Committee.
Eco Bible Study was conducted. The camp was organized with the co-operation of Joint Ecological Commission and teh Nilackal Committee.
Seminar on “Ecological concerns in Hinduism” A Seminar on “Ecological concerns in Hinduism” was conducted from 22nd September 2001 at Aswasa Nature Cure, Chalaikara. The camp was organized with the co-operation of Joint Ecological Commission. Mr.Dileep Kulkarni –A vedic scholar gave the main speech.
Eco essay competition was organized by the CSI Madhya Kerala Diocesian Ecological Committee. Members from all the churches of the Madhya Kerala Diocese participated in the competition.
Seminar on Fresh Water was organized at Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara. The meeting was inaugurated by Mr. M.Murali MLA
A painting training class was arranged for the Sunday School Children by the Christian Education Department of Madhya Kerala Diocese. Rev.Itty Mathew, Director of Sunday School, inaugurating the ecological painting training programme.
A pilgrimage by the Diocesan Ecological Committee members and the Bishop was arranged for an ecological study to Thenmala, Punalur, Kulathuppuzha. It was a pilgrimage to study eco conservation programmes also.
Ecological activists went and participated in the VBS training programmes to share about the Ecological concerns. This gives suggestions to communicate to the students, especially on the need to protect the environment.
An Ecological Conference was organized at Tsunami affected areas in South Puthuppally. Mr. Abraham Poovathany, Director of Malanadu Development project, delivered the keynote address. Around 150 participants attended the conference.
A Seminar on Nuclear Plant and Koodankulam Agitation was organized by the CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese at CSI Eco-Spirituality Centre at Othera on 21st November 2012. Rt. Rev. Dyvashirvadam, (Moderator, CSI) inaugurated the seminar. CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese announced solidarity against nuclear plant at Koodankulam.
A Seminar on Inter Linking of Rivers was organized by the CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese at CSI Eco-Spirituality Centre at Othera on 20th August 2012. Ex-Minister M. K Prema Chandran, inaugurated the seminar.