
District Level Work

A clergy is in charge of the eco activities in the pastoral district. The first Tuesday of every month clergies of the pastoral district will meet regularly for evaluating the pastoral work, prayer and for study. The clergy in charge of eco activities will report the activities in the meeting.

Relief and Reconstruction of Tsunami Affected Areas

The Diocesan ecological committee has decided to enter into collaboration with the Forest Department of Kerala to cultivate Mangroves and Casuarinas along the coastal areas. This is a part of CSI Synod’s programme to cultivate Mangroves and casuarinas on the coastal belt of Tsunami affected areas. The General Secretary of CSI Synod has appointed Dr.… Read more Relief and Reconstruction of Tsunami Affected Areas

Pilgrimage to Ecological Places

Pilgrimage to ecological places is organized by the Diocesan Ecological Committee members for ecological study. It is organized under the leadership of the diocesan bishop. Every year, a pilgrimage is organized to different ecology related places of Kerala. A group of members are also selected by the diocese to accompany with the ecology committee members… Read more Pilgrimage to Ecological Places

Seminar on Ecological Topics

Diocese organizes Seminars on different topics related to ecology. Seminars are organized at diocesan level, district level and the church level also. Famous speakers from different part of the world are invited to talk on the topic and to have discussions. The diocese will give financial support to the churches to organize the seminars. Delegates… Read more Seminar on Ecological Topics